The Methodist Independent Schools Trust (MIST) is responsible for 9 schools, and also actively works with 3 Associated Schools and 3 Affiliated Schools in England/Wales. MIST is affiliated with 2 international schools based in Dubai and West Cairo.
Trust Schools |
Associated Schools |
Affiliated Schools |
MIST is an attractive group of independent schools because it respects the local contexts in which its schools operate, delegating operational control to the schools while offering support, advice and investment centrally.
The MIST Office is based at:
27 Tavistock Square
In addition to servicing the needs of the Trust itself, the office provides opportunities for the schools to work more closely together. Key elements of this include an annual Schools Conference, termly meetings of Heads and Chairs of Governors, a Chaplains' Conference and specialist day events for other staff e.g. safeguarding, global education, legal and financial guidance.
MIST Trustees are drawn from various professions and offer the Trust considerable experience and commitment. To make enquiries about serving as a Trustee email
For more information about being a Trustee in MIST click here.
Most schools in the group are co-educational offering continuity of education for both boys and girls. Some schools (like Kent College Pembury) are for girls only. The majority of schools also offer a boarding education, further details about day and boarding opportunities are available directly from the schools.
All schools provide financial support to help parents of various backgrounds with the schools fees. Details of local bursaries and scholarships are available by contacting the schools directly.
In addition to local arrangements, MIST administers a Methodist Bursary Fund which offers specific financial support to children from Methodist families at any senior school within the group. The Methodist Bursary Fund enables children from Methodist families attend the schools as day pupils or boarders.